Sevas & Arathi Sponsorship

Mangala Arathi & Pushpa Seva

Mangala Arathi

Srila Prabhupada has given a mandate that there must be regular Mangala-Arati in the temple during Brahma Muhurta, an hour and a half before sun rise. It is said that during Brahma Muhurta, our mind is calm, refreshed and serene. Since our mind is like a blank paper, it is free from worldly impressions and we can infuse it with divine thoughts. At 4:15 AM the Jagarana Seva is offered (waking up the Deities) followed by the Balya Bhoga offering (the morning offering of sweet rice). After that the Lordships get ready to receive Mangala-Arati, the first Arati of the day. Devotees eagerly assemble to have the first darshan of the Lordships. At 4:30 AM, the conch-shells blow announcing the opening of the altar doors. A grand arati is performed by offering incense, lamp, water, cloth, flowers, chamara (fan made of yak tail) & vyajana (fan made of peacock feathers) to Their Lordships. Devotees sing Guru-ashtaka, a song composed by Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarthi Thakura glorifying the spiritual master. The Deities are in the “most merciful” mood during the Mangala-Arati. So, please come and participate in this very special program at the temple – everyday at 4:30 AM

Pushpa Seva

The deities are given a fresh flower garland daily, made up of seasonal and perennial flowers to wear throughout the day. If you worship the flower garland of the deities on the day you want, the obstacles to the thought will be removed.

Seva Type Day(MNX) Week(MNX) Month(MNX)
Pushpa Seva $801 $5,601 $24,001

This seva includes chanting of your name, your family members name, and your gotra during the time of mangala arathi to the diety.

Sringar Arathi & Morning Seva/Nithya Seva

Sringar Arathi

From the time the Deity's curtains are closed at the end of Mangala-arati until the conch is blown and the curtains open for Sringara-arati (or Darsana-arati), the pujari is engaged in offering elaborate worship to the Deities in private. During the sringara (dressing and decoration) period, Their Lordships are bathed and dressed in new outfits and jewelry for the day. They are offered fresh garlands and a mirror so they may view themselves. Depending on the number of Deity personalities in residence at the temple, there may be two or more pujaris engaged in Deity worship. Before opening the curtains, the pujari clears away paraphernalia, sweeps the floor around the altar, and lights ghee lamps. When the curtain opens, the Deities very kindly give darsana (audience) to the assembled devotees followed by Govindam Adipurusham song. Sringara-arati is an incomprehensible opportunity given by the Deities to the congregation, who may offer worship, prayers, and gifts that are presented by the pujari.

Morning Seva/Nithya Seva

Nitya Seva means selfless daily service to Lord Sri Krishna or Lord Jagannatha or in any form. It is the highest form of devotion and the most pleasing to the Lord. By offering Nitya Seva, one attains bliss and receives immense spiritual benefit daily in this material world. Everything that is offered to Krishna becomes purified and those who offer their skills and resources for Krishna’s service will receive the Lord’s greatest mercy and blessings. Those who engage in devotional seva to the Lord are extremely fortunate and this same opportunity is being offered to you.

Seva Type Day(MNX) Week(MNX) Month(MNX)
Morning Seva/Nithya Seva $501 $3,501 $15,001

This seva includes chanting of your name, your family members name, and your gotra during the time of sringar arathi to the diety.

Raja-Bhoga Arathi & Raja-Bhoga Seva

Raja-Bhoga Arathi

Their Lordships are offered rajbhog arati with incense, lamp, water, cloth, flowers, chamara & vyajana. Prior to this arati, at 12:00 pm. Their Lordships receive Rajbhog offering, the grand offering of foodstuffs for the day. Rajbhog comprises varieties of delicacies like sweets, savouries, salads, vegetables, rice, roti, dhal, fruit juice, etc.

Raja-Bhoga Seva

Rajbhog is the Chappan bhoga (56 preparations) offered to Their Lordships at midday. One-day offering includes all the bhoga offerings made in a day to Their Lordships. Every day during the noon-time (12:00 pm), Sri Sri Radha Gokulnanda Sri Sri Sita Ram Laxmana Hanuman, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai is offered the Raj-bhog (lunch). The grandest bhog (Rajbhog) offering includes various varieties of food items including, Puri, Rice, Vegetables curry’s (three kinds), Dhal, Pakora, and sweets, savories for their pleasure. All the preparations are offered to the Deities at 12 noon every day. Balya bhoga is the first offering in the morning.

Seva Type Day(MNX) Week(MNX) Month(MNX)
Raja-Bhoga Seva $801 $5,601 $24,001

This seva includes chanting of your name, your family members name, and your gotra during the time of Raja-Bhoga Arathi to the diety.

Sandhya Arathi & Evening Seva

Sandhya Arathi

It is a spiritually enlivening experience for the devotees to witness the sandhya arati in the evening. Their Lordships are offered incense, lamp, water, cloth, flowers, chamara and vyajana to the accompaniment of Gaura-arati song with melodious music.

Evening Seva

Evening Seva refers to the service activities undertaken in the evening, embodying the principle of selfless service (nishkama karma) that is central to Bhakti Yoga. The specific tasks involved can vary depending on the ISKCON center's needs and the community's size that includes cooking and kitchen duties, administrative support, chanting, and kirtan alongside with gardening and outdoor tasks.

Seva Type Day(MNX) Week(MNX) Month(MNX)
Afternoon Seva $501 $3,501 $15,001

This seva includes chanting of your name, your family members name, and your gotra during the time of Sandhya Arathi to the diety.

Sayana Arathi & Night Seva

Sayana Arathi

Sayana arati which is the last arati of the day, provides a unique devotional experience for the temple visitors. Their Lordships are offered various articles like incense, lamp, flowers, etc., while devotees sing a beautiful song accompanied with music on serving the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani and Sri Krishna. Sayana Arathi serves as a daily reminder of the devotee's continuous relationship with Lord Krishna, emphasizing the importance of ending the day with devotion, reflection, and surrender. It fosters a sense of peace, gratitude, and trust in the divine, preparing the devotee for restful sleep under Krishna's protection.

Night Seva

Night Seva refers to the service activities undertaken during the late evening or night hours at ISKCON centers. This seva complements the daily routines of worship and service, ensuring that the temple and its activities are maintained around the clock, especially during festivals, special occasions, or when the temple remains open for extended periods. Here's what typically occurs during Night Seva: Night-time Worship and Meditation, Preparing for Next Day's Worship, Decorating the Temple

Seva Type Day(MNX) Week(MNX) Month(MNX)
Night Seva $301 $2,101 $9,001

This seva includes chanting of your name, your family members name, and your gotra during the time of Sayana Arathi to the diety.

All Day Seva

All-Day Seva includes Mangala Arathi & Pushpa Seva, Sringar Arathi & Morning Seva/Nithya Seva, Raja-Bhoga Arathi & Raja-Bhoga Seva, Sandhya Arathi & Afternoon Seva, and Sayana Arathi & Night Seva.

Seva Type Day(MNX) Week(MNX) Month(MNX)
All Day Seva $2,901 $20,307 $87,030

This seva includes chanting of your name, your family members name, and your gotra during the time of every arathi to the diety.